Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is there a world after Christmas?

Christmas has come and gone.  I see the stress levels of all of my friends and family disappear.  The gloom of January, however, creeps in.  I think the true meaning of abundance in this time of holidays and excesses is to realize who you love and who loves you. 
While I find it exhilerating jumping into a brand new BMW 650i convertible (gun metal grey), I realize that I am more likely to smile over and over again at the image of a young child's first book at Christmas.  Or a teen-ager's squeal over a new Wii game.  Who doesn't want to be the coolest kid on the block? 

I love giving to the people that I know and love.  I also try to give and help the people that I might never meet.
I pray for the people without healthcare in the U.S.,  I pray for the people without citizenship, I pray for the people without heat.  Again, I personally believe that this is all a state of mind and an illusion that we play out for our deep-seated beliefs from our formative years.

Release those tired old thoughts and embrace the FACT that you are wealthy, healthy, wise, and completely loved.  When you are convinced that nothing will ever change,  --- look back to the moment -- when your friend gave you $100.00.  Look back to the moment that you got your rent reduced (if only for one month).
Look back and see all of the giving and all of the receiving that you have done.  Pray for yourself and send
your past self the gift of gratitude.  Today is all we have.  Enjoying this and sending out love to your favorite people (and all of the people you may never meet) --- this is your true calling and your true abundance.

The worry of job loss is a more searing hell than actually losing your job.  Once you have been canned, you are spurred into motion.  Let go of the worry and this may never happen.  Nurse those fears and watch your reality morph into the most negative of all scenarios.  Really feel yourself relaxing in your home with 2 or 3 job offers that you can choose from.  The best of the best.  Great benefits,  wonderful boss,  magnificent co-workers.  Real leaders who choose to teach you now.  You are in charge.  What will you choose?

Me,  I am a happy lazy soul.  I choose flow.  Resistance seems to create more resistance.  Flow with me,
love with me,  dance with me,  chant with me.  Pray with me. 
