Sunday, March 14, 2010

Furthering your laws of attraction

Have you ever wondered why the people who stay in touch with the news and all of the negative messages bombarding us stay in a constant state of worry, fear, and illness??  There is absolutely no wondering about it -- they attract what they believe.  They watch the news and scan for the bloodiest, craziest news to prove that the world indeed is a scary dangerous place to live. 

What if they turned off the media??? Computers, TV,  newspapers -- etc.  What would their lives be like then?  What if they secretly believed that they were the best wine grower on the planet but would never put themselves in that place?? Out of fear of money, success, whatever. 

Try and imagine your perfect (even if it seems far-fetched) life everyday.  You wake up,  work is optional, you eat a slow and tasty breakfast.  You start to plan the fun that you will have that day.
Do you want to create?  Do you want to learn? Do you want to work out? Do you want to spend it with your family? How will your day go??  Enjoying the life we work so hard to maintain is essential.
Taking each spare moment and using it to run another errand, or work another job for money that you blow faster than you can imagine it appearing seems a little like a wheel in the hamster's cage.

Jump off!! Take the first step.  Write your perfect life down.  If you aren't sure what that looks like,
write that you need to find your perfect life.  People will appear,  opportunities will appear,  things will show up as cast offs from another's life.  Or in a way that seems almost effortless.  It really is that easy.

Loving the life you have and creating a new life are really the same thing. Remember, this process can also take time.  It is gauged by the amount of resistance you offer to your new ideas.  If you are convinced that all of us are going to go bankrupt with the U.S. Government, then we will. (in your reality)  Let go of the cynicism and allow the goodness of life, earth, God  take over and guide you.
Remember when someone first massaged you?  They loosened the tight spots in your neck and back.
It was a healing experience.  Let the universal energy flow all over you.  Feel the hum, hear the hum, and enjoy your own signature energy.  At first, this is all very subtle and the louder voices of criticism and doubt play over the smaller voices that seem very young and powerless at first.  Let them speak.
You will be shocked at what kindnesses they offer.  It is your heart that is speaking.  Love and let the love into your life.  :)


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