Christmas has come and gone. I see the stress levels of all of my friends and family disappear. The gloom of January, however, creeps in. I think the true meaning of abundance in this time of holidays and excesses is to realize who you love and who loves you.
While I find it exhilerating jumping into a brand new BMW 650i convertible (gun metal grey), I realize that I am more likely to smile over and over again at the image of a young child's first book at Christmas. Or a teen-ager's squeal over a new Wii game. Who doesn't want to be the coolest kid on the block?
I love giving to the people that I know and love. I also try to give and help the people that I might never meet.
I pray for the people without healthcare in the U.S., I pray for the people without citizenship, I pray for the people without heat. Again, I personally believe that this is all a state of mind and an illusion that we play out for our deep-seated beliefs from our formative years.
Release those tired old thoughts and embrace the FACT that you are wealthy, healthy, wise, and completely loved. When you are convinced that nothing will ever change, --- look back to the moment -- when your friend gave you $100.00. Look back to the moment that you got your rent reduced (if only for one month).
Look back and see all of the giving and all of the receiving that you have done. Pray for yourself and send
your past self the gift of gratitude. Today is all we have. Enjoying this and sending out love to your favorite people (and all of the people you may never meet) --- this is your true calling and your true abundance.
The worry of job loss is a more searing hell than actually losing your job. Once you have been canned, you are spurred into motion. Let go of the worry and this may never happen. Nurse those fears and watch your reality morph into the most negative of all scenarios. Really feel yourself relaxing in your home with 2 or 3 job offers that you can choose from. The best of the best. Great benefits, wonderful boss, magnificent co-workers. Real leaders who choose to teach you now. You are in charge. What will you choose?
Me, I am a happy lazy soul. I choose flow. Resistance seems to create more resistance. Flow with me,
love with me, dance with me, chant with me. Pray with me.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Abundant Thoughts...
I thought I would pass on a few of these sayings that I found or received. They made me stop and think, and it hit the spot about trying to be abundant not just in money but in many other areas of our lives...enjoy!
"The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car... a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little." ~ Ben Sweetland
"Money will come to you when you are doing the right thing."~ Michael Phillips
"What is opportunity, and when does it knock? It never knocks. You can wait a whole lifetime, listening, hoping, and you will hear no knocking. None at all. You are opportunity, and you must knock on the door leading to your destiny. You prepare yourself to recognize opportunity, to pursue and seize opportunity as you develop the strength of your personality, and build a self-image with which you are able to live -- with your self-respect alive and growing."~ Maxwell Maltz
"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."~ Lou Holtz
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."~ Eleanor Roosevelt
"The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car... a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little." ~ Ben Sweetland
"Money will come to you when you are doing the right thing."~ Michael Phillips
"What is opportunity, and when does it knock? It never knocks. You can wait a whole lifetime, listening, hoping, and you will hear no knocking. None at all. You are opportunity, and you must knock on the door leading to your destiny. You prepare yourself to recognize opportunity, to pursue and seize opportunity as you develop the strength of your personality, and build a self-image with which you are able to live -- with your self-respect alive and growing."~ Maxwell Maltz
"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."~ Lou Holtz
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Friday, October 30, 2009
Yes I know Abunding is not a verb, but it sounds nice. Okay maybe it doesn't sound nice, but it should be a verb in some way. Maybe it is. I will check. Okay just checked and it is definitely not a verb in any way. The dictionary defines abuncdance as...aww screw that. I really don't like when anyhing begins with the dictionary definition of the very thing they are explaining or trying to disprove so I will just begin.
Hello everyone. My name is Mario and I love this blog. I wish I could have attended a few abundance discussions before posting, but I couldn't resist. In recent months I became aware of several trance mediums that work with entities that offer messages of enlightenment and support to those seeking answers to life's greatest mysteries. One of these mediums named Daryl Anka is able to channel an entity named Bashar who gave an interesting definition of abundance in one of his recent lectures. He defines it like this...
"Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it."
I enjoyed this definition because of its simplicity. He goes on to say that abundance may come in the form of money, but that this is not the only doorway that is may come through. When one has a definition as money being the only way abundance can enter your life, you close and lock the door to other ways that abundance appears because you refuse to identify or label those things equally as abundance. When you allow all ways for abundance to manifest and be equally valid then the way which is the path of least resistance can come to you whether it be money, gifts, favors, etc. The the path of least resistance flows without restraint because you are allowing it to not have a "speacialness" that singles it ($$$) out in order for that to be the way for it to manifest. He finishes by asking us if we are in fact able to apply the definition to the idea and trust that whatever form of abundance will be alright even if it doesn't come in the form it "ought" to. The more you enjoy the process he states, the faster it will go.
So you see, essentially putting yourself in the here and now and trusting that what is happening is happening as it should is really accessing your higher and much wiser self and it allows for your ultimate expansion in the process.
I just wanted to share that with everyone and hope it sheds some light on all that you have coming to you. After all, you asked for it. Happy Abunding!
Hello everyone. My name is Mario and I love this blog. I wish I could have attended a few abundance discussions before posting, but I couldn't resist. In recent months I became aware of several trance mediums that work with entities that offer messages of enlightenment and support to those seeking answers to life's greatest mysteries. One of these mediums named Daryl Anka is able to channel an entity named Bashar who gave an interesting definition of abundance in one of his recent lectures. He defines it like this...
"Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it."
I enjoyed this definition because of its simplicity. He goes on to say that abundance may come in the form of money, but that this is not the only doorway that is may come through. When one has a definition as money being the only way abundance can enter your life, you close and lock the door to other ways that abundance appears because you refuse to identify or label those things equally as abundance. When you allow all ways for abundance to manifest and be equally valid then the way which is the path of least resistance can come to you whether it be money, gifts, favors, etc. The the path of least resistance flows without restraint because you are allowing it to not have a "speacialness" that singles it ($$$) out in order for that to be the way for it to manifest. He finishes by asking us if we are in fact able to apply the definition to the idea and trust that whatever form of abundance will be alright even if it doesn't come in the form it "ought" to. The more you enjoy the process he states, the faster it will go.
So you see, essentially putting yourself in the here and now and trusting that what is happening is happening as it should is really accessing your higher and much wiser self and it allows for your ultimate expansion in the process.
I just wanted to share that with everyone and hope it sheds some light on all that you have coming to you. After all, you asked for it. Happy Abunding!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
A Return to Love - Marianne Williamson
Namaste to you all.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My personal fear of Power
I had no idea until I tapped out (EFT -- my fear of being the most powerful human being that I could be how 'censored' I really was. I started to feel larger than life. My energy level instantly improved, I am told on a daily basis how beautiful I am by all kinds of people. They see a new 'sparkle' in my eye. Life is an amazing journey. I wasn't aware of all of the can't -s that I was telling myself. I also had NO IDEA what kind of controlling fear-filled existence would disappear. So much help and collaborations have stepped into my life. Large projects that I would previously have felt trapped under the burden of -- seem relatively easy. My whole existence was to 'do it all alone'. Who can possibly sustain that? Who would want to sustain that?
When we are young, we depend completely upon our parents or caregivers. We are very dependent for food, water and shelter. As we grow older, we strive to be independent. Sometimes, that is the stage we find ourselves for many many years. The ultimate compliment to another human being is to ask for help.
Interdependence is a maturing of your ego and the humbling of your youthful energies. The grace to ask for help before it is a horrible crisis is an amazing gift to possess. I have felt those barriers drop inside myself and
no longer feel driven by an insatiable pride of independence of others. For the first time, I am enjoying an incredible feeling of teamwork.
Thank you for the love you have shown me, thank you for the time you have given me. Thank you for being you.
When we are young, we depend completely upon our parents or caregivers. We are very dependent for food, water and shelter. As we grow older, we strive to be independent. Sometimes, that is the stage we find ourselves for many many years. The ultimate compliment to another human being is to ask for help.
Interdependence is a maturing of your ego and the humbling of your youthful energies. The grace to ask for help before it is a horrible crisis is an amazing gift to possess. I have felt those barriers drop inside myself and
no longer feel driven by an insatiable pride of independence of others. For the first time, I am enjoying an incredible feeling of teamwork.
Thank you for the love you have shown me, thank you for the time you have given me. Thank you for being you.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Hidden Messages in Water
For those of you who haven't heard of Masaru Emoto -- RUN! Don't walk or super click yourself to his website and look at the physical manifestation of our words and our energies.
And of course, if you want to know the most beautiful crystals formed come from "Love and Gratitude".
If you are in a loving and grateful space, your energy forms so clearly and beautifully and any thoughts of poverty, anger, hatred, greed, or jealousy evaporate. What an amazing expression of nature!
And of course, if you want to know the most beautiful crystals formed come from "Love and Gratitude".
If you are in a loving and grateful space, your energy forms so clearly and beautifully and any thoughts of poverty, anger, hatred, greed, or jealousy evaporate. What an amazing expression of nature!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Everywhere you read about manifesting the life you want, the first thing they mention is gratitude.
It also seems to be the last thing they mention as well. I would imagine this ingredient is as important as
eggs and flour to make a light fluffy cake. In an effort to harmonize my direction, I would like to send out messages of gratitude to many different people.
The Reiki Circle
Karen Brook J
Scott Amy
Krishna Marilyn
Brandy M Mario
The Abundance Classes
Paul Krishna
Josette Karen
Scott Brandy M
Nicole Cindy E
The women who keep me upright with their amazing healing gifts -- Karen and Shari.
The women who helped me to heal after I broke my ankle. Shari, Marilyn, Karen, Krishna, and Nicole.
My 'earthly world' friends who just listen when I am feeling stressed out about my work.
Patrick Daniel
Jennifer Stephanie
Archie Franz
Jon Nicole
All of my teachers, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche and the Dalai Lama, and Tom.
Thank you for your kindess, your patience and your time with me.
I love you all. I constantly learn from you as I go throughout my days.
I am so blessed and honoured to have met you and to spend time with you.
I look forward to many more happy moments. Each one like a unique pearl strung together by the love we share.
It also seems to be the last thing they mention as well. I would imagine this ingredient is as important as
eggs and flour to make a light fluffy cake. In an effort to harmonize my direction, I would like to send out messages of gratitude to many different people.
The Reiki Circle
Karen Brook J
Scott Amy
Krishna Marilyn
Brandy M Mario
The Abundance Classes
Paul Krishna
Josette Karen
Scott Brandy M
Nicole Cindy E
The women who keep me upright with their amazing healing gifts -- Karen and Shari.
The women who helped me to heal after I broke my ankle. Shari, Marilyn, Karen, Krishna, and Nicole.
My 'earthly world' friends who just listen when I am feeling stressed out about my work.
Patrick Daniel
Jennifer Stephanie
Archie Franz
Jon Nicole
All of my teachers, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche and the Dalai Lama, and Tom.
Thank you for your kindess, your patience and your time with me.
I love you all. I constantly learn from you as I go throughout my days.
I am so blessed and honoured to have met you and to spend time with you.
I look forward to many more happy moments. Each one like a unique pearl strung together by the love we share.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Assorted 'co-incidences' and abundance happenings....
The other members of the group have all experienced some sort of amazing 'touches' as well.
Brandy was told that her project at work has been cancelled. (usually makes one feel very uneasy and out of control) She realized that she hated her job and wants to work in a 'fun' industry while making money.
She is getting to move by the end of 2009.
Marilyn received unexpected bonuses and commissions from her real estate work.
Paul who hadn't really generated much income since starting in real estate, had some odd jobs that pulled in $$.
Krishna and her husband found themselves with $1,000 more in one month. Not sure how it happened.
All bills were paid and more money left over. SWEET!!
Nicole purchased some groceries and was given a bouquet of flowers free. (they were on her posted)
I received a $39.00 check from my insurance company. The amount wasn't as stunning as a rebate for car insurance. I don't remember ever receiving money back from an insurance carrier. I have also been notified that my medical claims from April (I broke my ankle and needed surgery and physical therapy) were underpaid and that I would receive a refund for that.
I got my rebate back on a cell phone, $199.99
Scott received $210 in cash when he was very low on funds. Gotta love the universe. It hates to think of you as hungry. (ha ha ha ha ha ha)
Brandy was told that her project at work has been cancelled. (usually makes one feel very uneasy and out of control) She realized that she hated her job and wants to work in a 'fun' industry while making money.
She is getting to move by the end of 2009.
Marilyn received unexpected bonuses and commissions from her real estate work.
Paul who hadn't really generated much income since starting in real estate, had some odd jobs that pulled in $$.
Krishna and her husband found themselves with $1,000 more in one month. Not sure how it happened.
All bills were paid and more money left over. SWEET!!
Nicole purchased some groceries and was given a bouquet of flowers free. (they were on her posted)
I received a $39.00 check from my insurance company. The amount wasn't as stunning as a rebate for car insurance. I don't remember ever receiving money back from an insurance carrier. I have also been notified that my medical claims from April (I broke my ankle and needed surgery and physical therapy) were underpaid and that I would receive a refund for that.
I got my rebate back on a cell phone, $199.99
Scott received $210 in cash when he was very low on funds. Gotta love the universe. It hates to think of you as hungry. (ha ha ha ha ha ha)
Scott's Miracles
Scott showed up with a notice that the hair salon that he worked in was closing. There had been a burglary of the a.c. unit's copper wiring. The tenant (his boss) was required to pay for this as it wasn't covered in a commercial lease. The owner of his salon was closing down and running away because they didn't have the money to pay for this repair and keep open. In essence, Scott was losing his job. Scott walked in with the world on his shoulders. He is so far from where he wants to be. And so close to where he had always been afraid was his final destination. (poverty, lack, and complete abandonment) He dutifully tapped out his resistance to abundance, his feelings that rich people are mean, and that his money will stay with him.
He began to create the most beautiful vision board with an amazing home, world influence, great artistry, and
a warm, loving soul-mate. As of this posting, he has a new location with supportive and kind co-workers and clients. He has been introduced to very successful people who can show him how to get where he wants to be.
He has been photographed with his hair model and has already been involved with (2) promotional events.
This has all happened in less than two months. It is so hard for me to believe that there are no jobs available to people with the strongest of desires to work.
He began to create the most beautiful vision board with an amazing home, world influence, great artistry, and
a warm, loving soul-mate. As of this posting, he has a new location with supportive and kind co-workers and clients. He has been introduced to very successful people who can show him how to get where he wants to be.
He has been photographed with his hair model and has already been involved with (2) promotional events.
This has all happened in less than two months. It is so hard for me to believe that there are no jobs available to people with the strongest of desires to work.
Josette's miracle
Josette is a quick-witted intelligent woman who was born in France and moved to the US in search of "The American Dream". What she tells is a story of hard work, struggle, and a lot of unethical bosses.
When she arrived, she was without a job, and no real prospects for rent money that month.
When she left, her energies were conjuring up $700.00 cash for her rent. THE VERY NEXT DAY.
It showed up as a commission. Great!! Then, she heard from a friend who she had not spoken to in many many years and he is producing a movie. He needs her to assist. Nice. Here is a job. Only catch (and watch the energy of this one) is that he was going to start when he got his money and his project together.
In the meantime, she manifested a part-time job bookkeeping, french tutoring and some tarot card readings.
All in all, doing much better than the original meeting.
She had also asked for men to kiss her. Many, many men have since approached and wanted kisses from her.
What a fun adventure lies ahead!
When she arrived, she was without a job, and no real prospects for rent money that month.
When she left, her energies were conjuring up $700.00 cash for her rent. THE VERY NEXT DAY.
It showed up as a commission. Great!! Then, she heard from a friend who she had not spoken to in many many years and he is producing a movie. He needs her to assist. Nice. Here is a job. Only catch (and watch the energy of this one) is that he was going to start when he got his money and his project together.
In the meantime, she manifested a part-time job bookkeeping, french tutoring and some tarot card readings.
All in all, doing much better than the original meeting.
She had also asked for men to kiss her. Many, many men have since approached and wanted kisses from her.
What a fun adventure lies ahead!
The first gathering
Karen (A Healing Connection) and I looked at our calendars, set up the days and I started emailing friends who I knew were struggling to make ends meet.
I invited everyone I could think of and a lot of them came. I didn't promise money, I promised a method, a way of gathering their thoughts and organizing their desires.
First, we talked about our negative feelings towards money. OH BOY!
So many that we are taught. So many to release and let go. Then, I shared the EFT technique with them.
We were on our way. Most thought nothing had happened. We casually dug through magazines and made our
vision boards. We picked up colored markers and wrote the things on the boards that we couldn't find.
I started the free-flowing meditation "talk" about happiness and abundance. Let's melt into our boards, start seeling ourselves living in the houses, driving the cars, feeling relieved to be without financial worries.
It was magical. Everyone felt it and wanted more. We cheerfully parted and I asked everyone to email me their stories. (as the energy shifted for them and the $$$ arrived)
I invited everyone I could think of and a lot of them came. I didn't promise money, I promised a method, a way of gathering their thoughts and organizing their desires.
First, we talked about our negative feelings towards money. OH BOY!
So many that we are taught. So many to release and let go. Then, I shared the EFT technique with them.
We were on our way. Most thought nothing had happened. We casually dug through magazines and made our
vision boards. We picked up colored markers and wrote the things on the boards that we couldn't find.
I started the free-flowing meditation "talk" about happiness and abundance. Let's melt into our boards, start seeling ourselves living in the houses, driving the cars, feeling relieved to be without financial worries.
It was magical. Everyone felt it and wanted more. We cheerfully parted and I asked everyone to email me their stories. (as the energy shifted for them and the $$$ arrived)
How it all started...
Long ago (1996) , I met a woman who received a lot of free stuff. She amazed me with the things that would come her way. At the time, she didn't even own a home, she 'house-sat' and was allowed to live in houses that were for sale and could be empty for months at a time. She had to keep it clean, that was the main rule.
Then, she showed me how to make vision boards.
I started making one every New Year's day and would pore over magazines and photos of life as I could see it. I would also write 'NOW' statements on poster board around the photos. I have this, "NOW"... I travel, "NOW", etc...
Interestingly enough, a lot of my manifestations came true. (very quickly now that I look back upon this way of living) I didn't have to house sit, at the time, I had a place to live that was rent free.
I received a free trip to Switzerland and Portugal. I received many beautiful new clothes, cash, jewelry,
and even sold that place that I lived rent free for a profit with two bidders in a bad neighborhood.
I have made money on selling cars (which, I am told never seems to happen)
My life isn't perfect, but it certainly has large pockets of perfection. We must remember, however,
that true abundance isn't about STUFF. It is about how our money makes us feel. It can be very liberating to pay off all of your bills including a mortgage. It can be exhilerating to go shopping with a big bundle of cash.
To have the ability to help people who are starving to death, that is indeed quite satistfying.
Our abundance is about helping others get out of the "LACK" mindset. It is all about feeling abundant.
Think about this - if we do not share our abundance, we start to become hoarders and start to shift the energy into lack again. Let it flow!! Everyone has something to share. Time, love, listening, money, attention, or
physical labor. Show up and enjoy this dance of life.
After I started creating the vision boards, I would also share this with my friends. Some of them took this very seriously. Others just laughed at me. I started to realize that we needed to 'charge' the boards with energy. In the bible, it speaks of, "Wherever two or more are gathered....." So, we gathered to charge the boards. Of course, more abundance showed up and people's lives started shifting. Some stayed with us, some moved away. I still felt that there was more.
Many years after this, I was invited to watch the movie, "The Secret" with a group of Yoga practioners. I watched this movie and immediately resonated with the parts that I had not tapped. The emotional part of manifesting. The strong sensation of desire. I realized that some of my manifestations held more fear than desire and the opposite was happening. I started to visualize with more emotion and to become the end product of my desires. As luck would have it, I grew to a new and different level and soon left my yoga friends behind. The manifestations were getting larger and larger. $10,000 in one month. WOW...
The best part of this story is that I have a friend who worked at a church where Bruce Lipton was scheduled to speak. She mentioned that they needed volunteers to sell tickets for the event and would get free tickets to see him speak. I wasn't quite sure who Bruce was at the time, but I was soon entranced in his message. He speaks of environmental effects upon our biological processes.
As a scientist myself (my day job), I realized what he touched upon was completely accurate. It has not been fully received by the medical profession, but his truth is very powerful. He also explained why we are so resistant to change and how hard it really is for us. He mentioned the subconscious hold on our thoughts.
He felt that there were many ways to 'reprogram' our thoughts. I latched onto the EFT website and started releasing a lot of my fears for abundance. I realized that I was truly abundant at all times, I was unwilling to receive the abundance. That was like stepping on the pedal of a Ferrari. Let's get it into gear NOW!!
Once I felt that I could truly help people move into their birthrights, I started teaching abundance classes again. This time in a little house in Katy, Tx. Life is good!! Our abundance class has grown into something even greater. Our stories are the stories of everyone.
Then, she showed me how to make vision boards.
I started making one every New Year's day and would pore over magazines and photos of life as I could see it. I would also write 'NOW' statements on poster board around the photos. I have this, "NOW"... I travel, "NOW", etc...
Interestingly enough, a lot of my manifestations came true. (very quickly now that I look back upon this way of living) I didn't have to house sit, at the time, I had a place to live that was rent free.
I received a free trip to Switzerland and Portugal. I received many beautiful new clothes, cash, jewelry,
and even sold that place that I lived rent free for a profit with two bidders in a bad neighborhood.
I have made money on selling cars (which, I am told never seems to happen)
My life isn't perfect, but it certainly has large pockets of perfection. We must remember, however,
that true abundance isn't about STUFF. It is about how our money makes us feel. It can be very liberating to pay off all of your bills including a mortgage. It can be exhilerating to go shopping with a big bundle of cash.
To have the ability to help people who are starving to death, that is indeed quite satistfying.
Our abundance is about helping others get out of the "LACK" mindset. It is all about feeling abundant.
Think about this - if we do not share our abundance, we start to become hoarders and start to shift the energy into lack again. Let it flow!! Everyone has something to share. Time, love, listening, money, attention, or
physical labor. Show up and enjoy this dance of life.
After I started creating the vision boards, I would also share this with my friends. Some of them took this very seriously. Others just laughed at me. I started to realize that we needed to 'charge' the boards with energy. In the bible, it speaks of, "Wherever two or more are gathered....." So, we gathered to charge the boards. Of course, more abundance showed up and people's lives started shifting. Some stayed with us, some moved away. I still felt that there was more.
Many years after this, I was invited to watch the movie, "The Secret" with a group of Yoga practioners. I watched this movie and immediately resonated with the parts that I had not tapped. The emotional part of manifesting. The strong sensation of desire. I realized that some of my manifestations held more fear than desire and the opposite was happening. I started to visualize with more emotion and to become the end product of my desires. As luck would have it, I grew to a new and different level and soon left my yoga friends behind. The manifestations were getting larger and larger. $10,000 in one month. WOW...
The best part of this story is that I have a friend who worked at a church where Bruce Lipton was scheduled to speak. She mentioned that they needed volunteers to sell tickets for the event and would get free tickets to see him speak. I wasn't quite sure who Bruce was at the time, but I was soon entranced in his message. He speaks of environmental effects upon our biological processes.
As a scientist myself (my day job), I realized what he touched upon was completely accurate. It has not been fully received by the medical profession, but his truth is very powerful. He also explained why we are so resistant to change and how hard it really is for us. He mentioned the subconscious hold on our thoughts.
He felt that there were many ways to 'reprogram' our thoughts. I latched onto the EFT website and started releasing a lot of my fears for abundance. I realized that I was truly abundant at all times, I was unwilling to receive the abundance. That was like stepping on the pedal of a Ferrari. Let's get it into gear NOW!!
Once I felt that I could truly help people move into their birthrights, I started teaching abundance classes again. This time in a little house in Katy, Tx. Life is good!! Our abundance class has grown into something even greater. Our stories are the stories of everyone.
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