Friday, October 2, 2009

Scott's Miracles

Scott showed up with a notice that the hair salon that he worked in was closing. There had been a burglary of the a.c. unit's copper wiring.  The tenant (his boss) was required to pay for this as it wasn't covered in a commercial lease.  The owner of his salon was closing down and running away because they didn't have the money to pay for this repair and keep open.  In essence, Scott was losing his job.  Scott walked in with the world on his shoulders. He is so far from where he wants to be.  And so close to where he had always been afraid was his final destination. (poverty, lack, and complete abandonment)  He dutifully tapped out his resistance to abundance, his feelings that rich people are mean, and that his money will stay with him.
He began to create the most beautiful vision board with an amazing home, world influence, great artistry, and
a warm, loving soul-mate.  As of this posting, he has a new location with supportive and kind co-workers and clients.  He has been introduced to very successful people who can show him how to get where he wants to be.
He has been photographed with his hair model and has already been involved with (2) promotional events.
This has all happened in less than two months.  It is so hard for me to believe that there are no jobs available to people with the strongest of desires to work. 

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