Friday, October 2, 2009

Assorted 'co-incidences' and abundance happenings....

The other members of the group have all experienced some sort of amazing 'touches' as well.
Brandy was told that her project at work has been cancelled. (usually makes one feel very uneasy and out of control)  She realized that she hated her job and wants to work in a 'fun' industry while making money.
She is getting to move by the end of 2009. 

Marilyn received unexpected bonuses and commissions from her real estate work.
Paul who hadn't really generated much income since starting in real estate, had some odd jobs that pulled in $$.
Krishna and her husband found themselves with $1,000 more in one month. Not sure how it happened.
All bills were paid and more money left over.  SWEET!!

Nicole purchased some groceries and was given a bouquet of flowers free. (they were on her posted)

I received a $39.00 check from my insurance company. The amount wasn't as stunning as a rebate for car insurance. I don't remember ever receiving money back from an insurance carrier. I have also been notified that my medical claims from April (I broke my ankle and needed surgery and physical therapy) were underpaid and that I would receive a refund for that.
I got my rebate back on a cell phone,  $199.99 

Scott received $210 in cash when he was very low on funds.  Gotta love the universe. It hates to think of you as hungry. (ha ha ha ha ha ha)

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