Friday, October 30, 2009


Yes I know Abunding is not a verb, but it sounds nice. Okay maybe it doesn't sound nice, but it should be a verb in some way. Maybe it is. I will check. Okay just checked and it is definitely not a verb in any way. The dictionary defines abuncdance as...aww screw that. I really don't like when anyhing begins with the dictionary definition of the very thing they are explaining or trying to disprove so I will just begin.

Hello everyone. My name is Mario and I love this blog. I wish I could have attended a few abundance discussions before posting, but I couldn't resist. In recent months I became aware of several trance mediums that work with entities that offer messages of enlightenment and support to those seeking answers to life's greatest mysteries. One of these mediums named Daryl Anka is able to channel an entity named Bashar who gave an interesting definition of abundance in one of his recent lectures. He defines it like this...

"Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it."

I enjoyed this definition because of its simplicity. He goes on to say that abundance may come in the form of money, but that this is not the only doorway that is may come through. When one has a definition as money being the only way abundance can enter your life, you close and lock the door to other ways that abundance appears because you refuse to identify or label those things equally as abundance. When you allow all ways for abundance to manifest and be equally valid then the way which is the path of least resistance can come to you whether it be money, gifts, favors, etc. The the path of least resistance flows without restraint because you are allowing it to not have a "speacialness" that singles it ($$$) out in order for that to be the way for it to manifest. He finishes by asking us if we are in fact able to apply the definition to the idea and trust that whatever form of abundance will be alright even if it doesn't come in the form it "ought" to. The more you enjoy the process he states, the faster it will go.

So you see, essentially putting yourself in the here and now and trusting that what is happening is happening as it should is really accessing your higher and much wiser self and it allows for your ultimate expansion in the process.

I just wanted to share that with everyone and hope it sheds some light on all that you have coming to you. After all, you asked for it. Happy Abunding!

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