Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Everywhere you read about manifesting the life you want, the first thing they mention is gratitude.
It also seems to be the last thing they mention as well. I would imagine this ingredient is as important as
eggs and flour to make a light fluffy cake.  In an effort to harmonize my direction, I would like to send out messages of gratitude to many different people.

The Reiki Circle
Karen                 Brook J
Scott                  Amy
Krishna              Marilyn
Brandy M          Mario

The Abundance Classes
Paul                   Krishna
Josette               Karen
Scott                 Brandy M
Nicole               Cindy E

The women who keep me upright with their amazing healing gifts -- Karen and Shari.
The women who helped me to heal after I broke my ankle.  Shari, Marilyn, Karen, Krishna, and Nicole.

My 'earthly world' friends who just listen when I am feeling stressed out about my work.
Patrick               Daniel
Jennifer              Stephanie
Archie                Franz
Jon                     Nicole

All of my teachers,  Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche and the Dalai Lama, and Tom.

Thank you for your kindess, your patience and your time with me.
I love you all. I constantly learn from you as I go throughout my days.
I am so blessed and honoured to have met you and to spend time with you.
I look forward to many more happy moments. Each one like a unique pearl strung together by the love we share.


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