Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My personal fear of Power

I had no idea until I tapped out (EFT --  my fear of being the most powerful human being that I could be how 'censored' I really was.  I started to feel larger than life. My energy level instantly improved, I am told on a daily basis how beautiful I am by all kinds of people.  They see a new 'sparkle' in my eye. Life is an amazing journey.  I wasn't aware of all of the can't -s that I was telling myself.  I also had NO IDEA what kind of controlling fear-filled existence would disappear.  So much help and collaborations have stepped into my life. Large projects that I would previously have felt trapped under the burden of -- seem relatively easy. My whole existence was to 'do it all alone'.  Who can possibly sustain that? Who would want to sustain that?
When we are young, we depend completely upon our parents or caregivers.  We are very dependent for food, water and shelter. As we grow older, we strive to be independent.  Sometimes, that is the stage we find ourselves for many many years.  The ultimate compliment to another human being is to ask for help.
Interdependence is a maturing of your ego and the humbling of your youthful energies.  The grace to ask for help before it is a horrible crisis is an amazing gift to possess.  I have felt those barriers drop inside myself and
no longer feel driven by an insatiable pride of independence of others. For the first time, I am enjoying an incredible feeling of teamwork.
Thank you for the love you have shown me, thank you for the time you have given me. Thank you for being you.

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