Friday, October 2, 2009

How it all started...

Long ago (1996) , I met a woman who received a lot of free stuff.  She amazed me with the things that would come her way. At the time, she didn't even own a home, she 'house-sat' and was allowed to live in houses that were for sale and could be empty for months at a time. She had to keep it clean, that was the main rule.

Then, she showed me how to make vision boards.
I started making one every New Year's day and would pore over magazines and photos of life as I could see it. I would also write 'NOW' statements on poster board around the photos.  I have this, "NOW"... I travel, "NOW", etc... 

Interestingly enough, a lot of my manifestations came true. (very quickly now that I look back upon this way of living)  I didn't have to house sit, at the time, I had a place to live that was rent free.

I received a free trip to Switzerland and Portugal.  I received many beautiful new clothes, cash, jewelry,
and even sold that place that I lived rent free for a profit with two bidders in a bad neighborhood.
I have made money on selling cars (which, I am told never seems to happen)

My life isn't perfect, but it certainly has large pockets of perfection.  We must remember, however,
that true abundance isn't about STUFF.  It is about how our money makes us feel. It can be very liberating to pay off all of your bills including a mortgage. It can be exhilerating to go shopping with a big bundle of cash.
To have the ability to help people who are starving to death, that is indeed quite satistfying. 
Our abundance is about helping others get out of the "LACK" mindset.  It is all about feeling abundant.
Think about this - if we do not share our abundance, we start to become hoarders and start to shift the energy into lack again.  Let it flow!! Everyone has something to share.  Time, love, listening, money, attention, or
physical labor.  Show up and enjoy this dance of life.

After I started creating the vision boards, I would also share this with my friends.  Some of them took this very seriously. Others just laughed at me.  I started to realize that we needed to 'charge' the boards with energy.  In the bible, it speaks of,  "Wherever two or more are gathered....."  So, we gathered to charge the boards.  Of course, more abundance showed up and people's lives started shifting.  Some stayed with us, some moved away.  I still felt that there was more. 

Many years after this, I was invited to watch the movie, "The Secret"   with a group of Yoga practioners. I watched this movie and immediately resonated with the parts that I had not tapped. The emotional part of manifesting. The strong sensation of desire.  I realized that some of my manifestations held more fear than desire and the opposite was happening.  I started to visualize with more emotion and to become the end product of my desires.  As luck would have it,  I grew to a new and different level and soon left my yoga friends behind. The manifestations were getting larger and larger.  $10,000 in one month.  WOW...

The best part of this story is that I have a friend who worked at a church where Bruce Lipton  was scheduled to speak. She mentioned that they needed volunteers to sell tickets for the event and would get free tickets to see him speak. I wasn't quite sure who Bruce was at the time, but I was soon entranced in his message.  He speaks of environmental effects upon our biological processes.
As a scientist myself (my day job), I realized what he touched upon was completely accurate. It has not been fully received by the medical profession, but his truth is very powerful.  He also explained why we are so resistant to change and how hard it really is for us.  He mentioned the subconscious hold on our thoughts.
He felt that there were many ways to 'reprogram' our thoughts. I latched onto the EFT website  and started releasing a lot of my fears for abundance.  I realized that I was truly abundant at all times, I was unwilling to receive the abundance.  That was like stepping on the pedal of a Ferrari.   Let's get it into gear NOW!!

Once I felt that I could truly help people move into their birthrights,  I started teaching abundance classes again. This time in a little house in Katy, Tx.    Life is good!!  Our abundance class has grown into something even greater.  Our stories are the stories of everyone. 

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